
SUB) Overview

In the event of a particular module’s (up to 5) performance degradation, it provides the function through which you can compare with the previous execution history.

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SUB) Search Condition

The Search Condition window configuration is as follows.


Search Condition Description
 252 Enter or select the target instance for analysis.  For selection convenience, the autocomplete function is available.  When you click on the drop-down menu, a list of all the instances will appear.
Indicates the instance selected in Find Instance.  You can also directly selecte the target analysis instance from the corresponding screen.
 254 Used for module search.  When you click on the “Search” button without entering the module name in the Find Module, then the whole list of module names will be output at the bottom.
The Find Module input rules are as follows.

  • Not case-sensitive.
  • Insert ‘%’ at the front and the end of the keyword, and then perform a LIKE search.
Provides a list of modules selected in the Find Module window.

  • Maximum 5
 256 Set the comparison sections.


Set the standard section.

  • In general, the section in which the performance was normal is set as the Base Section.

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SUB) Window Configuration

The window configuration is as follows.


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SUB) Search Condition Summary

Provides the summary information of the search conditions entered in Search Condition.

Note. If you want to see the previous state of the Search Condition, click on the 274 button.

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SUB) Gap Summary

Provides summary information of comparing two sections based on the module execution time and the execution count of the SQLs executed in the corresponding module.

  • Elapsed Time(Sec): Provides the CPU Time and Wait Time information by each Module
  • Executions: Provides SQL Execution Count by each Module

Elapsed Time(Sec) Comparison Window


Executions Comparison Window


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SUB) Gap Analysis

  • Provides the difference between the two sections’ total Elapsed Time.
  • Provides the Top-10 SQL ID, whose Elapsed Time difference is high compared to the Base

Gap Analysis Window


Item Description
Elapsed Time Difference Provides the total Elapsed Time difference between the two sections.

  • Formula: Comparison Section’s Module Elapsed Time (Sum) – Base Section’s Module Elapsed Time (Sum)
  • The higher the value, the higher the performance deviation between the two sections.
Difference Time – TOP 10 SQL Provides the Top-10 SQL ID whose Elapsed Time difference is high compared to the Base section.

  • The higher the value, the higher the possibility that the performance issue is caused by the corresponding SQL.
  • However, take precaution as to avoid false analysis since the corresponding value could be high due to a newly added SQL or changes in the existing SQLs due to SQL tuning.
Impact(%) = (Difference / Total Difference) *100 The ratio of individual SQL’s Elapsed Time difference out of the total Elapsed Time difference.
Graph Y Axis Module Name: Oracle SQL ID
Graph X Axis Elapsed Time (Sec)
Bar Graph Individual SQL’s Elapsed Time Difference (Sec)

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Provides information of the SQL selected (bar graph click) in the Gap Analysis.

SQL Info Window


Item Description
Plan Hash Value Provides the Plan Hash Value by each section.

  • If the Plan Hash Values of the two sections are different, then the “Plan Diff” button becomes activated.
  • For information regarding the Plan comparison function, please reference “Chapter 9. SQL Plan Diff” section.
SQL Text Provides the SQL statement.

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SUB) SQL Stat Comparison

Compares the main performance information of the SQL selected (bar graph click) in the Gap Analysis.

SQL Stat Comparison Window


SQL Stat Comparison Grid Column

Column Name Description
Category Section1: Base section’s SQL execution information (Sum)

Section2: The comparison section’s SQL execution information (Sum)

Diff (Section2 –Section1): Sum Value Difference

Section1(per exec): Base section’s SQL execution information (Average per execution)

Section2(per exec): The comparison section’s SQL execution information (Average per execution)

Diff (Section2 –Section1): Average per 1 execution Difference

Executions Corresponding SQL’s Execution Count
Elapsed Time (Sec) Corresponding SQL’s Elapsed Time
CPU Time (Sec) Corresponding SQL’s CPU Time
Wait Time (Sec) Corresponding SQL’s Wait Time
Logical Reads (blocks) Corresponding SQL’s Logical IO
Physical Reads (blocks) Corresponding SQL’s Physical IO

SQL Stat Comparison Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu

The mouse right-click menu is as follows.  For more information, please reference “Appendix. Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu UI”.

Item Description
Export Excel Downloads the grid content on an excel file.
Copy(To Clipboard) Makes a copy of the grid content.
Show/ Hide Columns Selects the columns to be displayed on the grid.
Filter On Enables the Filtering function.
Multiple Sort On Sorts based on 2 or more column values.
Save Image Saves the grid content as an image.

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SUB) SQL Wait Time Comparison

Compares the wait time per 1 execution of the SQL selected (bar graph click) in the Gap Analysis.

SQL Wait Time Comparison Window


Item Description
Y Axis Wait Event Name
X Axis Wait Time (Sec)
Bar Graph Wait Time of corresponding wait event by each section (Average per 1 time)

  • When you put the mouse over the bar graph, the following information will appear.


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SUB) Overview

In the event of a particular program’s performance degradation, it provides the function through which you can compare with the previous execution history.

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SUB) Search Condition

The Search Condition window configuration is as follows.


Search Condition Description
 268 Enter or select the target instance for analysis.  For selection convenience, the autocomplete function is available.  When you click on the drop-down menu, a list of all the instances will appear.
269 Indicates the instance selected in Find Instance.  You can also directly selecte the target analysis instance from the corresponding screen.
270 Used for program search.  When you click on the “Search” button without entering the program name in the Find Program, then the whole list of program names will be output at the bottom.

The Find Program input rules are as follows.

  • Not case-sensitive.
  • Insert ‘%’ at the front and the end of the keyword, and then perform a LIKE search.
 271 Set the comparison sections.
272 Set the standard section.

  • In general, the section in which the performance was normal is set as the Base Section.

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SUB) Window Configuration

The window configuration is as follows.


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SUB) Search Condition Summary

Provides the summary information of the search conditions entered in Search Condition.

Note. If you want to see the previous state of the Search Condition, click on the 290 button.

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SUB) Gap Summary

Provides summary information of comparing two sections based on the program execution time and the execution count of the SQLs executed in the corresponding program.

  • Elapsed Time(Sec): Provides the CPU Time and Wait Time information by each Program
  • Executions: Provides SQL Execution Count by each Program

Elapsed Time(Sec) Comparison Window


Executions Comparison Window


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SUB) Gap Analysis

  • Provides the difference between the two sections’ total Elapsed Time.
  • Provides the Top-10 SQL ID, whose Elapsed Time difference is high compared to the Base

Gap Analysis Window


Item Description
Elapsed Time Difference Provides the total Elapsed Time difference between the two sections.

  • Formula: Comparison Section’s Program Elapsed Time (Sum) – Base Section’s Program Elapsed Time (Sum)
  • The higher the value, the higher the performance deviation between the two sections.
Difference Time – TOP 10 SQL Provides the Top-10 SQL ID whose Elapsed Time difference is high compared to the Base section.

  • The higher the value, the higher the possibility that the performance issue is caused by the corresponding SQL.
  • However, take precaution as to avoid false analysis since the corresponding value could be high due to a newly added SQL or changes in the existing SQLs due to SQL tuning.
Impact(%) = (Difference / Total Difference) *100 The ratio of individual SQL’s Elapsed Time difference out of the total Elapsed Time difference.
Graph Y Axis Module Name: Oracle SQL ID
Graph X Axis Elapsed Time (Sec)
Bar Graph Individual SQL’s Elapsed Time Difference (Sec)

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Provides information of the SQL selected (bar graph click) in the Gap Analysis.

SQL Info Window

Item Description
Plan Hash Value Provides the Plan Hash Value by each section.

  • If the Plan Hash Values of the two sections are different, then the “Plan Diff” button becomes activated.
  • For information regarding the Plan comparison function, please reference “Chapter 9. SQL Plan Diff” section.
SQL Text Provides the SQL statement.

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SUB) SQL Stat Comparison

Compares the main performance information of the SQL selected (bar graph click) in the Gap Analysis.  .

SQL Stat Comparison Window


SQL Stat Comparison Grid Column

Column Name Description
Category Section1: Base section’s SQL execution information (Sum)

Section2: The comparison section’s SQL execution information (Sum)

Diff (Section2 –Section1): Sum Value Difference

Section1(per exec): Base section’s SQL execution information (Average per execution)

Section2(per exec): The comparison section’s SQL execution information (Average per execution)

Diff (Section2 –Section1): Average per 1 execution Difference

Executions Corresponding SQL’s Execution Count
Elapsed Time (Sec) Corresponding SQL’s Elapsed Time
CPU Time (Sec) Corresponding SQL’s CPU Time
Wait Time (Sec) Corresponding SQL’s Wait Time
Logical Reads (blocks) Corresponding SQL’s Logical IO
Physical Reads (blocks) Corresponding SQL’s Physical IO

SQL Stat Comparison Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu

The mouse right-click menu is as follows.  For more information, please reference “Appendix. Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu UI”.

Item Description
Export Excel Downloads the grid content on an excel file.
Copy(To Clipboard) Makes a copy of the grid content.
Show/ Hide Columns Selects the columns to be displayed on the grid.
Filter On Enables the Filtering function.
Multiple Sort On Sorts based on 2 or more column values.
Save Image Saves the grid content as an image.

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SUB) SQL Wait Time Comparison

Compares the wait time per 1 execution of the SQL selected (bar graph click) in the Gap Analysis.

SQL Wait Time Comparison Window

Item Description
Y Axis Wait Event Name
X Axis Wait Time (Sec)
Bar Graph Wait Time of corresponding wait event by each section (Average per 1 time)

  • When you put the mouse over the bar graph, the following information will appear.


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SUB) Overview

In the event of a poorly performing section is generated, it provides a function through which you can compare with the previous dates’ corresponding time.

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SUB) Search Condition

The Search Condition window configuration is as follows.


Search Condition Description
 284 Enter or select the target instance for analysis.  For selection convenience, the autocomplete function is available.  When you click on the drop-down menu, a list of all the instances will appear.
Indicates the instance selected in Find Instance.  You can also directly selecte the target analysis instance from the corresponding screen.
 286 Set the analysis target Peak date.
 287 Set the time period within the analysis target Peak date.
 288 Set the comparison date.

  • 1 day before the analysis date
  • 3 days before the analysis date
  • Same as the Analysis Date (3 days)
  • Assigned by the User (Maximum 3 days)

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SUB) Window Configuration

The window configuration is as follows.


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SUB) Search Condition Summary

Provides the summary information of the search conditions entered in Search Condition.

Note. If you want to see the previous state of the Search Condition, click on the  290 button.

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SUB) Gap Summary

Provides the hourly comparison information of the Wait Time and Active User Session indicators.

  • Total Wait Time Tab: Compares the Hourly Total Wait Time of the Peak Date and the comparison date(s).
  • Active User Session Tab: Compares the Hourly Average Active User Sessions Values of the Peak Date and the comparison date(s).

Total Wait Tab Window


Active User Session Tab Window


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SUB) Wait Time Gap Analysis

  • Provides a function through which you can analyze a particular time section’s Wait Time Gap of the Peak Date and the comparison date.

Overall Tab Window

Compares and analyzes the entire section’s Wait Time Gap for the Peak Date and the comparison date.


Note. When there are 2 or more comparison dates, then it is compared in the order of most recent date.

Selected Time Tab Window

Compare and analyzes the hourly Wait Time Gap of the Peak Date and the comparison date.


Note. When you first click on the Selected Time Tab, it automatically compares the the time window at which the Wait Time is the highest within the Peak Date.

Wait Time Total Difference

Provides the difference in the Wait Time.

Note1. Peak Date’s Wait Time (Sec) – Comparison Date’s Wait Time (Sec)
Note2. The Total Tab provides the difference between the entire sections, and the Selected Time Tab provides the difference between each selected time window.

Grid Column (Common)

Column Name Description
Schema Schema Name
Program Program Name
Module Module Name
Impact (%)
  • Difference in the corresponding SQL’s wait times  / Difference in the Total Wait Time * 100
Date Date
Plan Hash Value SQL Plan hash
Executions Corresponding SQL’s Execution Count (Sum)
Elapsed Time (Sec) Corresponding SQL’s Elapsed Time (Sum)
CPU Time (Sec) Corresponding SQL’s CPU Time (Sum)
Wait Time (Sec) Corresponding SQL’s Wait Time (Sum)
User IO Wait Time (Sec) The time waited on User IO Wait Class when corresponding SQL is executed, (Sum)
Application Wait Time (Sec) The time waited on Application Wait Class when corresponding SQL is executed. (Sum)
Concurrency Wait Time (Sec) The time waited on Concurrency Wait Class when corresponding SQL is executed.  (Sum)
Cluster Wait Time (Sec) The time waited on Cluster Wait Class when corresponding SQL is executed. (Sum)
Logical Reads (blocks) Corresponding SQL’s Logical IO (Sum)
Physical Reads (blocks) Corresponding SQL’s Physical IO (Sum)

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