[MaxGauge for MySQL/MariaDB and RDS Advanced Edition]
Get started with MaxGauge Web:
- Check your MasterUsername and MasterUserPassword during parameter setting.
- Connect to the instance using a SSH client.
- Execute /home/ec2-user/maxgauge/bin/jconsole.encrypt.sh
– Enter MasterUsername into ‘Input String’ and hit enter.
– Enter MasterUserPassword into ‘Input String’ and hit enter.
– Exit to shell(using Ctrl+C) and copy two encrypted lines to a clipboard.
2. Edit /home/ec2-user/maxgauge/conf/properties/dbpool.properties
2-1) Edit mydb.user and mydb.password lines.
– Add encrypted MasterUsername to a mydb.user line.
– Add encrypted MasterUserPassword to a mydb.password line.
2-2) Edit mydb.url line.
– From <HOSTNAME> to ‘Endpoint Address’ of RDS (to be checked on RDS console)
– From <DB Name> to database name. (e.g., maxgauge)
- Execute /home/ec2-user/maxgauge/bin/install/install.sh
- Execute /home/ec2-user/maxgauge/bin/all.start.sh (Do not quit SSH connection yet.)
- Open your EC2 Management Console, find your instance running MaxGauge for MySQL/MariaDB and RDS.
- Copy its public IP(or public DNS) to a clipboard.
- Paste the public IP into a web browser. (We recommend using Chrome. Do not hit enter yet.)
- Append :8170 to the end of the IP.
- Hit enter.
- Log into MaxGauge Web with the following credentials:
Username: Administrator
Password:<instance ID>
- Add information of your servers (Management Server(s)-Server tab) and click ‘Test connection’.
(Refer to User Manual for details, http://www.maxgauge.com/support_mfm/)
- Connect to the instance using a SSH.
Execute following two lines and enjoy MaxGauge.